Latin for the New Millenium: Romulus and Remus


(AKA why in the world I’ve done this)

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a dire proclivity for all things ancient world. As such, I have taken it on myself to make my Latin textbook as fascinating, as dramatic, and as raw as possible, both for myself and others. The textbook(s) I am using come from the series “Latin for the New Millenium”. I am beginning with Chapter 1, which tells a very, very abbreviated version of the life of Romulus and Remus, twin forefathers of Rome.

Here, I will post my version of the story. By my version, I mean that I have ripped off the textbook’s version of the story verbatim, only adding my own visual flair to the piece.

I basically made the story into a picture book for ease of reading. My mind takes in vocabulary and tales better through the visuals and text combined.

Blame film and media.

The Story of Romulus and Remus

“Mars is a god.”
“Mars loves Rhea Silvia.”
“And so, Rhea Silvia has two sons: Romulus and Remus.”
” Amulius locks up Rhea Silvia with chains.”
“Amulius puts Romulus and Remus into the water.”
“A she-wolf walks towards the water.”
“The she-wolf takes good care of Romulus and Remus and loves them.”
“Romulus and Remus grow up.”
“Later, Romulus and Remus build Rome.”


I hope you all have benefited from the story in its format. May your study into Latin be blessed and filled with wonder!