Category: Wisdom

  • The Life of Drudgery and Vanity: Wisdom from Ecclesiastes

    Ecclesiastes Vanity The life of drudgery and vanity is, according to the Wisdom of Ecclesiastes, manifold. It is all around us. It takes many different forms. In fact, it often takes form in the very lives most vehemently determined to strive for greatness. Ecclesiastes, it turns out, will argue that all human life is vanity.… Read more

  • How to Acquire Wisdom the Hebraic Way: a Prelude

    PRelude Falling in Love In yesterday’s article, we dealt with the beginning of acquiring Wisdom. It was a very technical, focused view of how to reach for that which we call “truth” and “beauty” and “goodness”. What we failed to cover was the reason why anyone would go through the trouble of reaching for these… Read more

  • How to Acquire Wisdom the Hebraic Way: Part I

    εν αρχή The beginning of Wisdom… Everything which we know has a beginning. The universe itself has a beginning, which we have recently understood to be the big bang. Similarly, there is also a beginning, as well as middle and an end, to the journey towards acquiring Wisdom. I’ve capitalized Wisdom there because in order… Read more